Jual tepung tapioka murah dan bagus

Kami dari ud. Jaya mass jual tepung tapioka dengan kualitas terbaik dan harga yang sangat kompetitif,  produk yang kami pasarkan adalah tapioka dengan kualitas terbaik, dan telah digunakan oleh berbagai pabrik. 

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi kami di 081908176559 dengan rizky, bisa contak via yahoo di ud_sukses@yahoo.com, 

Tapioka oven tapioka matahari, untuk kebutuhan industri anda.  Kami sangat senang bisa melayani anda. http://tepungtapiokaterbaik.blogspot.com/
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Motor Baru Suzuki Next 110 pesaing Beat dan Mio

BARU skuter Suzuki Nex 110 resmi diluncurkan Indomobil Suzuki Penjualan (SIS) pada tanggal 15 Desember 2011 dengan harga terbaik 12,35 Juta On The Jakarta Jalan menurut Mr Paulus Firmanto telah menargetkan orang-orang muda 17-19 tahun, pelajar dan mahasiswa, trendi, dan gaul, lihat Suzuki Nex 110 target adalah pengendara pemula yang membuat Nex sebagai sepeda motor pertama mereka, tetapi apakah motor ini cocok untuk pengendara pemula? Sebelum menganalisis, mari kita simak Profil Fisik Suzuki Nex 110 sebagai Suzuki diberikan dalam presentasi yang kami dapatkan secara eksklusif dari Indonesia web
Moto Nex suzuki 110 "siapa pun bisa naik"

Motor untuk pengendara pemula harus memiliki ground clearance rendah, juga suzuki membuat motor yang mereka katakan skuter itu siapa pun bisa naik, seat height 735 mm cukup rendah. 

Untuk memaksimalkan daya dan efisiensi bahan bakar, Suzuki Nex 110 yang diklaim mencapai 70 km / liter saat dipacu konstan, Suzuki menggunakan upaya untuk meminimalkan gesekan di mesin Suzuki Nex 110, cara menggunakan TPS, ring piston dan crankshaft, dan menggunakan lengan rocker rol, Suzuki mengklaim untuk Nex 110 sebagai Scooter pertama di ASEAN yang menggunakan lengan rocker rol, ia juga menambahkan CVT desain baru sistem sabuk yang mendukung efisiensi bahan bakar

 Selain memaksimalkan daya, cara lain untuk membawa kekuatan untuk Timbang Rasio tinggi adalah dengan menggunakan tips meminimalkan berat motor, menurut Suzuki mereka mencoba untuk mengurangi berat badan dalam setiap komponen skuter ini seperti sasis, mufler, Brake cakram yang ringan, bentuk minimalis pelek, sampai cover bodi plastik juga dicari ringan. mudah-mudahan Berguna     

ulasan dari triatmono.wordpress.com Dari sisi power skutik Suzuki Nex punya power 9.38HP pada 8800RPM… lebih powerful ketimbang Honda Beat yang sekitar 8.22HP maupun Yamaha Mio yang sebesar 8.35HP …!!! Demikian juga mengenai torsi Suzuki Nex diklaim mempunyai torsi terbesar sekitar 8.7Nm pada 6500RPM, melebihi Honda Beat sebesar 7.84Nm danYamaha Mio sekitar 7.84Nm …!!! Power dan torsi besar tadi masih diikuti dengan bobot yang ringan sehingga power-to-weight ratio nya menjadi lebih tinggi …!!! Berat Suzuki Nex sekitar  87kg, lebih ringan ketimbangHonda Beat 89kg dan Yamaha Mio dengan berat 92 kg …!!!

Nggak mau kalah soal irit… klaim pabrikan menyatakan Suzuki Nex lebih irit… dimana ia sanggup menempuh jarak 52 km/liter,… lebih irit ketimbangHonda Beat yang mencapai jarak 45 km/liter… dan Yamaha Mio yang mencapai 40 km/liter …!!! Waaagh… ini sama juga sudah siap menempuh red ocean war… !!! Last… but not least… selain faktor diatas… yang menjadiconcern konsumen adalah masalah design… dan faktor intangible lainnya …!!! Jika ada waktu juragan akan bahas menggunakan ROndO matrix… bagaimana posisi Suzuki Nex di kancah perskutikan… entry level Indonesia …!!! Monggo di share pendapat bro semua… dan semua paparan diatas ada sumbernya… !!!

MoreMotor Baru Suzuki Next 110 pesaing Beat dan Mio

Henry ford biography

About henry ford biography


About Henry Ford, he  was born on July 30, 1863.  Biography, he entered the school at the age of 5 years by his mother. When will depart he must jogged toward the school is approximately 2 ½ miles was. And with the same distance back home in the dark has gone down, get home. That way he should bring lunch from home to eat lunch at school. Three years later he was transferred to another school by their parents but still within the same distance.

Ever since I was little Henry has put great attention to the various machines. This is very worrisome fatherWilliam Fordwanted his son would become a farmer or a large and successful trader because he himself is a descendant of a farmer. However, Henry is not interested in agriculture. His passion for machines that often make it hard sometimes, because he had to fight the will of his father. One day a farmer came to school with. He complained to the teacher at the school, and told several people about the behavior of school pupils. They are led by Henry to stem a small river running through farm fields have been farmers.

The dam resulted in the flow of the river to a standstill and resulted in flooding. The teacher immediately turned around and said to Henry, "What kind of work it, Henry?" His teacher asked indignantly. "Why?" Hendry said without indifference, "We did not do anything and flooded fields, We just built a dam to stem the water to conduct experiments for milling coffee waterwheel. You can see how powerful a tool it works ". Henry said in evasion.

Henry ford biography

Teacher was angry and punish Henry. Then told the other disciples, "You must learn to respect the community, and help him. Do not I always tell so every time you going home? (Annoyance is the teacher's spoken to console the farmers who get angry earlier. But he was interested in the work already done by his students). >>

MoreHenry ford biography

Is Better to buy a used car vs a new car

There are many reasons to buy a new car, but, there are also many reasons to buy a used car. It used to be that buying a used car was going to result in a car that would just get you from point A to point B. The radio probably did not work and the handles were loose if not falling off. You may want to know why it is better to buy a used car vs a new car.

This is not the case anymore. Buying a used car can be a more than satisfactory experience. Used cars in these days are much better than they used to be with improved performance, and there are much better selections than ever before. But the main reason that people still get them is because of their price. They are just so much less expensive that new ones.

Price is a huge factor in buying a used car. Of course, whenever you decide to buy a car, the price is going to be the biggest factor. Will you be able to afford it without too much strain on the bank account or not is the question you will face. Used cars are typically thousands of dollars less than new cars. If your budget does not allow for a new car, then used is the way to go for you.

Now, used cars get treated very well by dealers. Dealers know that when a used car comes in, they can fix it up and inspect it to make sure they get the most money for their deal. Used car dealers have certification programs that show you that the car you are looking at has not only been inspected, it has been tuned up and repaired, if needed. http://autocarsauto.tk

MoreIs Better to buy a used car vs a new car

Ford Fiesta ST Concept LA at Auto show

If your Auto Car, Ford Fiesta, Ford ST , Ford Concept, LA Auto show facts are out-of-date, how will that affect your actions and decisions? Make certain you don't let important Auto Car, Ford Fiesta, Ford ST , Ford Concept, LA Auto show information slip by you.

If you're wondering about the future of Ford powertrains, the 2011 Los Angeles Auto Show and the 2013 Ford Escape should provide all the clues you need. The entry-level crossover features a pair of EcoBoost four-cylinder engines and exactly zero V6 options.

Ford Fiesta ST Concept LA Auto show Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with Auto Car, Ford Fiesta, Ford ST , Ford Concept, LA Auto show? This informative report can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about Auto Car, Ford Fiesta, Ford ST , Ford Concept, LA Auto show. The smallest EcoBoost displaces only 1.6 liters, and promises terrific fuel economy and performance. That engine is the thriftiest engine in the Escape, but what if that engine were to reside under the hood of something much smaller? That's where the Fiesta ST Concept comes into play. The performance-oriented Fiesta is on display at the Ford exhibit in LA, and though it's a showcar for now, this B-segment hatch looks production ready.

Ford claims that in this application, the 1.6-liter EcoBoost delivers 180 horsepower and 177 pound-feet of torque - a whopping 60 more ponies than the naturally aspirated 1.6 featured in the garden-variety production Fiesta. Given that the base Fiesta is only 2,600 pounds, we're guessing 180 horsepower is more than enough punch to turn the Fiesta into one heck of a fun ride.

The Fiesta ST concept certainly [More..]
like this ? 
MoreFord Fiesta ST Concept LA at Auto show

Porsche 911 Carrera S Wallpaper

automotique .blogspot.com  new Porsche 911 Carrera S operates on a much higher performance than the seven-year-old being replaced. With a time of 0 to 62 mph in 4.3sec and a top speed of 188 mph, the new model 0.2SEC storms to strip faster and extends beyond the Carrera S 2 mph old when you run an updated version of the gearbox PDK seven-speed.

Thus, the new 911 is faster than any of his illustrious ancestors by some margin. But the question is, can accomplish such feats with the same character intensely participation in the last six generations of the car? 
Make no mistake, the 991 represents the most significant change in emphasis from the rear-engined coupe every time - more important than the progress of the 993 air-cooled to water cooled 996 in 1996. 

Seeing the new car reinforces the impression Porsche revolutionary approach. Legs are extended to accommodate all the new bases much more curvaceous style and excellent attention to detail that provides more precise construction. His position is more aggressive, too. 
Is 56 mm longer and, because of a flat roof, 11 mm lower than the output 997. The move really revealing, however, is its wheelbase is only the second time in the history of the 911 extended by a considerable 100mm. This serves to shorten the overhangs, providing an increase in the housinginterior. 
The Carrera S, powered as it is said here to come in at 1415kg with optional PDK gearbox - some 40kg under the weight of your load

How does it feel 
Inside, there is a new instrument panel, center switch setting and contemporary looking. It is an elegant and modern but not without driving classic touches. 
The first thing that hits you as you set off is to improve the refinement. Never lacking in this area is now much calmer than before, with less turbulence around the mirrors, lower levels of mechanicalnoise from the back and, despite the 20-inch tires, less tire noise. 
Cruising at 80 mph constant in the high seventh gear, the 911 feels very relaxed. The reworked suspension absorbs transverse joints in the road surface and potholes faces with more aplomb than before. With the Porsche Stability Management PASM active in Normal mode, the chassis has a newfound calm. Changing PASM in sport instantly increases the answers - not only in terms of strength buffer, but the directness of the steering and throttle sensitivity, too.

But there are still minor initial impact strength than with previous 911, which makes the best Sport mode in a wide range of road surfaces, and body movements are controlled beautifully. 
A big surprise are the messages unfamiliarly subtle - or lack thereof - is relayed back from the newly designed steering wheel. Over the years we have become accustomed to juggling inherent in all to 911 so far. Anyone who has driven one will know what I mean. This inherent to the central circulation of the steering wheel in the rectum, a measure of the vitality and the feedback that many consider part and parcel of the driving experience has been completely eliminated through the adoption of a new electro-steering system mechanics. 
It's definitely a big change in the character, making the car feel almost numb at first contact - if only because it is so unfamiliar to drive a 911, whose steering wheel is not always restless, even at moderate speeds. But it seems that the more unity, more you get to appreciate the added peace of mind through the steering wheel. 
Despite holding on to what is essentially the same engine as the old model, Porsche has remained true to tradition 911 for increased production. 14bhp power rises to a new high of 394bhp at 7400rpm, in the process of taking a specific output beyond 100bhp per liter. It also improves the torque of 13 foot pounds to 234 pounds standing at 5600rpm. With the weight loss calculated in the coup of the reserves are expected to increase 16bhp per tonne in the vital power-to-weight 282bhp per tonne. 
Unlike the engine, the gearbox uses the new 911 Carrera S is all new - and rather special, too. Replacing the old six-speed manual is the first ever seven-speed manual to make his way in a road series car production. Around the gearbox PDK seven-speed manual uses a revolutionary mechanical lock that prevents you from switching to realize seventh. The new gear can only be selected through fifth or sixth.

Another interesting development is called a navigation function, which considers that the engine disconnected from the gearbox through the clutch in the final acceleration times, allowing it to rotate freely at idle at a slight downhill. 
The detail changes made to the engine Porsche's new Carrera S give a gutsier felt through a wider range of speed, but may lack the high intensity of some of the engines used by rivals supercar, but the floor six evergreen remains as poignant as ever. 
Running at a curve to the right of press, 911 squat slightly over the rear wheels, its engine screaming with a heady combination of induction andexhaust cry. The front is unusually quiet, rebel without rolling across the surface largely patchworked, changes in the suspension give the new 911 with a much more settled feel even more aggressive Sport Plus mode.

Should I buy one? 
The 991 is not only more capable than the 997, but its management also aims to greatness. In the form of Carrera S is faster, more neutral in the limit, much more stable, incredibly comfortable, much quieter at highway speeds and frugal amazing. At the end of the day had even reached an agreement with the new direction, accepting that it has no maximum precision and sensitivity of the available hydraulic age. 
The question I ask myself now is how Porsche possibly higher? For now, the original supercar has reached a new peak - both the ability and convenience.

Greg Kable 
Porsche 911 Carrera S PDK 
Price: £ NA, 0-62mph: 4.1sec, Top speed: 188 mph; Economy: 32mpg, CO2 emissions: 224g/km; Length: Weight: 1415kg, engine design: 6cyls, horizontally opposed, 3800cc, petrol , Installation: rear, longitudinal, power: 394bhp at 7400rpm, Torque: 234 lb-ft at 5600rpm, the specific production: 104bhp/litre; Power Weight: 282bhp/tonne; Transmission: Seven-speed double-clutch

MorePorsche 911 Carrera S Wallpaper