Easy and snappily Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Easy and snappily Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Here is a very easy and fast chicken noodle soup recipe for those who are time abominable but unexcited want something that tastes pleasant. It should lift you around 10-15 mins to prepare and will succor approximately 5-7 people depending how considerable you each want.

Personally I occupy richer cooked from scratch chicken noodle soup recipes to this one, but this recipe as I said is a swiftly, hence we have to exercise precooked chicken and packaged or pre made chicken stock, aloof it tastes safe though.


2- 2/1/2 Cups of cooked chicken pieces.

1350ml (45 fl oz)  of chicken stock ( broth) 

2 Medium sized celery stalks

3 medium carrots

1 medium to stout onion

Noodles -  preferably resolve a short  smallish egg noodle shape enough to befriend around 5-7 cups of soup

pinch of salt

pinch of pepper


You'll need precooked chicken to do this recipe mercurial, but you could cook your believe from scratch, and for this chicken noodle soup recipe it really doesn't matter how the chicken was cooked. You can sliced up your chicken into minute bite sized pieces or pull it apart roughly if you catch. Its always nice to utilize chicken breast when you are making chicken noodle soup, but again it's up to you.

lop up your celery carrots and onions into shrimp pieces.

In a sizable saucepan add your chicken stock ( broth)  a pinch of salt and pepper as well your chopped up vegetables and your chicken pieces. Bring this up to a boil on a high heat then cleave the heat down to a medium temperature and cook it until the vegetables are done properly. It should occupy around 15 minutes.

While you are cooking this you should cook your noodles in a separate pot of boiling water. I salvage it best to not fully cook the noodles in the boiling water, instead before they are fully cooked, drain them and add them into the chicken soup and allow them to cook fully through with the rest of the ingredients. This will insure the noodles fill some of the chicken stock for better flavor. 
When everything is done after the 15 minutes or so, taste it to eye if it needs more salt or pepper, then its ready to befriend.

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