Easy Barberque BBQ Chicken Recipe

BBQ Chicken Recipe

Hey there. So I bet your trying to pick up the best recipe for bbq chicken. Well let me serve you conquered this quest, and give you a few pointers, tips, and a sizable recipe that chefs around the world have been keeping a secret. There are only a few steps and secrets to making the best bbq sauce, and it is not only scrumptious but its fun and easy. The first step is the sauce.

Yield 1/2 qt (1.5 lt)

1 onion runt dice

3 cloves garlic pealed and minced

1 oz veggie oil

1 oz red wine vinegar

½ oz chicken stock

1 oz brown sugar

¼ oz honey

1 oz dry mustard

1 can plum tomatoes

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tbs cayenne pepper

Step 1: Ok so the first thing you want to do is sweat the onions and garlic in the oil (to sweat means translucent or change cooler)  for about 5 min.

Step 2. Add your red wine and chicken stock and prick by half

Step 3. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook for 45 minutes on medium heat. After the 45 minutes pick the pan off the heat and with a hand blender blend the sauce, this helps to fracture up and blend the plum tomatoes. Add salt and pepper to taste. And whammy!!! There's your home made award winning sauce.

Okay now for your chicken, it is all up to you, I personally like to gather chicken wings.

If you want nice crispy chicken wings, then follow my instructions.

First pre heat your oven at 450 for 10 minutes. After the ten minutes cook the chicken in the oven with oil salt and pepper for 20 minutes, then recall the chicken out of the oven. And let rest for 5 minutes (heed the chicken is not fully cooked at this step, I am doing this contrivance to crisp up the skin,)  now turn down the oven to 300, and region your chicken attend into the oven and cook for approximately 45 minutes.

This technique is called flash cooking, or shock cooking. The first step of shock cooking is to extract the fluids and liquids very hasty from the out side skin so it crisps up. And the second step of shock cooking is to slowly cook the meat to back retain the meat nice and juicy and tender. So when you're finally done cooking you have a nice section of chicken that has a crispy out side skin but a nice juicy tender meat on the inside. . Chicken Recipe E.Blogspot.com;

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