Say "I Do" to the Engagement Chicken Recipe

Say "I Do" to the Engagement Chicken Recipe

There may be some truth to the obsolete adage that the design to a man's heart is through his stomach. In fact, some hold if you originate one dish in particular, you may have more than his heart. You'll have him for better or worse.

According to FOX News, after Glamour Magazine published an article on Engagement Chicken in 2004, over 21 women sent letters to the magazine that they got engaged. This Engagement Chicken is a simple roast chicken recipe flavored on with lemon, salt and pepper. unprejudiced roast in the oven until done and voila! You have a recipe that will fetch over can man's heart. But does it really work?

My cousin was dating her boyfriend for 2 years, honest waiting for him to pop the inquire. Her mom sent her the article with the Engagement Chicken recipe, so she decided to give it a shot. She took her time making dinner that night and served the chicken with herb roasted potatoes and asparagus. Chicken wasn't her boyfriend's current food, but he said he really enjoyed the chicken anyways.

definite enough, exactly two days later he proposed! They have been happily married for five years now and have two slight kids. Who knew that a simple chicken recipe could do so considerable!

But why exactly does the chicken recipe work so well?  It doesn't have any hidden aphrodisiac spices in it and the chicken isn't anything different than what you would normally create. It might actually be the classic nature of the dish that gives the chicken its power. One man who fell for the dish told reporters that the chicken fair reminded him of a wifely meal. It is an easy, straighforward dish, and as long as the chicken is cooked all the scheme concept it's shapely difficult to mess up.

There are tons of chicken recipes, but for years this one has taken center stage. No one really knows why it works so well, but Engagement Chicken has truly earned its name as a "magical recipe." What's the only design to choose this thunder?  Try it.. Chicken Recipe;

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